Scholarly Activity Awards

General Information:

  1. Scholarly Activity awards are available to students who are completing scholarly work outside of the required curriculum and are monitored by a faculty mentor. Some examples include supplemetal courses and conference presentations.
    • Publication fees are NOT included in this award.
  2. Awards are distributed on a first come first served basis. There are limited funds.
  3. Awards are available up to $500 ($1000 for MSRF Participants). Amounts will be determined by the Office of Medical Student Research based on the type and cost of your scholarly activity.
    • Additional funds may be available through the department you've been working with.
  4. If your scholarly activity is associated with a student organization, you may not be eligible for these additional funds.
  5. This award is processed on a reimbrusement basis. 
    • Students must provide documentation supporting their expenses, including acceptance letters, schedules, and receipts for reimbursement. Specific documentation required will be determined by the type of scholarly activity.

Download the application form!

Return the completed applications via email to Ms. Gini Gilchrist (contact info at bottom of page).  Questions and concerns can be directed to her as well!